Supervisors of the Checklist

Please note that 4 June, 2024 is the final date registered voters will be able to change their party affiliation prior to the September Primary Election, per RSA 654:34.

The Supervisors of the Checklist will be in session to accommodate party changes on 4 June, 2024 from 7-7:30pm at Charlie’s Barn (29 South Village Road) per RSA 654:27, 32.

You may also update your party affiliation with the Town Clerk any time during office hours prior to 4 June, 2024.

Please take a moment, at your convenience, to review the checklist of voters. It is on display in the lobby of the Town Offices (55 South Village Rd), it is in a white 3-ring binder on the table in the lobby. Or you can review your party affiliation  online at the Secretary of State's website (